you had me at obliteration

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you are my people

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As someone with chronic migraines, this made me a little nauseous. You did an amazing job with the hallucination that is this particular pain. Really well done.

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thank you so much…and apologies haha I did that to myself too

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Oh no, not you too! I hope you have many days of good brain in your future 😌

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This was great. Interestingly, I saw some real parallels with episodic Depression here with the want, need and yet fear of hollowness and obliteration. Love it!

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Wow. I just love this a lot

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appreciate it molly!

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Just finished watching ‘All Of Us Are Dead’ - a Korean drama on Netflix. It was full of blood and gore - what else can you expect from bloodthirsty zombies! The visuals from the drama allowed my brain to paint a vivid picture of your story. And I must say - IT WAS HORRIFIC.

It was a good story EJ - a sleep stealer!

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ooohh going to have to watch that one! thank you.

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You are so good at painting intense and horrifying images with words. The scenes just jump off the page, scurry through my eyes and fill my brain with wonderful gore. Love this.

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brains and gore mmmmmm

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Marvellous, EJ. Your writings are elegant and always manage to hit the right notes. I love, love, love this!

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it takes a special person to see the elegance in body horror. I appreciate you!

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Fuckin gold, and relatable! <3

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As one who feels at times a frustrated theoretical physicist and also a sufferer of migraines, this is an incredible description of both. As the great Feynman once noted, “Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars - mere globs of gas atoms. I, too, can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more?”

Great job brining the poetry to the science.

And regarding your rewrite: As in life, well, some things are just better the second time around.

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STEPHEN! you have gutted me with this comment ♥️ thank you

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Thank you. Keep manifesting beautiful stories. Stay wicked 💜

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This was so visceral and surreal. I’ve never personally experienced a migraine, but your descriptions were so vivid and made me feel so so bad for the people I know who have them regularly.

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